Black Women of Faith
Black Women of Faith, Inc. is a grassroots, faith-based, non-profit charitable organization.
The problem is major faith-based community organizing institutions do not include Black women in key strategizing roles. Our trauma and personal stories of gun violence, mass incarceration of our sons, housing crises, police brutalities, health disparities, and social injustices are used to help shape and provide political campaign platforms; yet, we are not represented in key planning of solutions.
The solution is simple. Black women must strategically organize to ensure that in addition to our stories, our voices are heard and faces are seen. No longer can we hide in the shadows of political and community movements that progress off of our pain, but erase us in the process.
The value in this solution will be Black women having agency over the political choices, policies, and decisions that impact us the most.
There is a missing link in the conversations taking place at federal, state, and local levels of government. Black Women of Faith, Inc. will fill this void allowing us to identify, voice, and solve our own disparities.
erreol morgan
Founding President & Executive Director
haniah davis
Vice President
jetra daniels
Director of Finance
nicole barnes
Director of Civic Engagement
Director of Administration & Communications
Director of Community Partnerships
Ashley gurvitz
Chair of Strategy & Community Engagement